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My Favorite Links:

Welcome to my links page. I have categorized the links to help you find what you were looking for. If you have information that you would like to see added, please contact me by E-mail. Thanks.

Special Search Engines:

The isle of Hano is located in the southeast of Sweden, in the Wester part of Blekinge archipelago, in the Bay of Hano, about 5 km outside Listerlandet in Solvesborgs community.

- During the time of the Napoleonic wars, between 1810-1812, the British navy had its base at Hano, when on maneouvre in the Baltic. The English cemetery is one of the memorials from that time. is a search engine based on text based information.
It also contains one of the better pictures search modules ..., is the mother al all search engines, and it's a great for information on the web. They have even a personnal assistant, if you can't find the information that you were looking for.

The VS Planet is a very lively public bulletin baord related to digital Roland VS-recorders. You can find out and listen to their online radio station by unsigned artists from all around the world.

A website decicated to the Friends of Hano.

- A link on how to use compression in your mixes.

Recording and Equipment Links:

- A comprehensive link to more Mac & VS recording stuff.

- A fairly new site to talk about recording, computers, software, and more stuff ...

Links to Rolands stuff with demo's that you can hear and see.
What do you think?
Please let me know what you think, and accept my kind invitation, to sign in on my guest book. Hano